Saya sudah kepincut sejak kali pertama liat covernya, PERPUS banget!! Dan saya sudah bertekad, akan memiliki buku ini sekalipun dengan membelinya. Ternyata peri buku mengirimkan buntelan ini!! *peluk-peluk ibu peri (>,^)
Selama pembekalan sungguh menguras tenaga dan juga waktu, saya jadi telat menuntaskan PR ini, bacanya di perpustakaan sekolah, tempat kerja yang baru. Hal ini bikin kian hanyut menyusuri kisah Kat yang sebagian besar ber-setting di perpustakaan. Bedanya, jika perpustakaan sekolah Kat suram dan ‘berpenghuni’, perpustakaan sekolah yang kini saya kelola sangat ramai, terutama saat istirahat. Kebanyakan justru para guru, istilahnya lapak bagi bapak-bapak nongkrong, karena kalo di ruang guru, mereka kalah dengan ibu-ibu yang bergosip! Jiaahhh…malah curhat! :p
Perpustakaan tampak kelabu dan angker di bawah langit gelap. Menyerupai penjara berkeamanan rendah, yang sepertinya terasa simbolis. Seakan-akan kami semua adalah narapidana di sekolah. Dan sipirnya adalah guru-guru kami. (hal. 98)
Apakah kamu pernah melihat atau sekedar merasakan datangnya arwah? Saya pernah mengalaminya, salah satunya adalah saat berada di Museum Pos Indonesia, di Bandung yang berdekatan dengan Gedung Sate. Dari kali pertama masuk, saya sudah merasakan aura/hawa yang berbeda di museum ini. Terlebih lagi, saat memasuki lokasi koleksi perangko yang terletak di bawah tanah. Paling syok waktu liat replika pak pos dan beberapa orang yang mendapatkan surat. Entah kenapa, replika tersebut serasa hidup! >.<
Saya juga pernah mengalaminya di perpustakaan kampus, tempat saya pernah bekerja. Kejadiannya siang bolong, kebetulan saat itu jam istirahat. Berhubung lagi tanggung menuntaskan pekerjaan, saya tidak ikut turun untuk istirahat. Posisi perpustakaan berada di lantai dua. Saat itu, saya hanya berdua dengan seorang rekan yang juga pustakawan. Ada suara ramai anak-anak kecil seperti tampak bernyanyi, saya bertanya kepada dia apakah mendengar suara itu. Ternyata dia juga dengar. Karena penasaran, saya melongok ke luar. Baru sadar, kampus belakangnya adalah rawa dan sawah yang terhampar luas. Dari manakah suara anak-anak tadi?!? @_@
Kau berada di museum. Tempat itu penuh dengan benda-benda tua yang dulu dimiliki seseorang. Ada beberapa tempat yang sifatnya hampir-hampir seperti magnet arwah. Pemakaman, rumah sakit, teater. Dan museum. (hal. 93)
Mendapat “penglihatan” adalah hal yang rumit. Ini bakat yang membutuhkan banyak ketabahan dan pengorbanan. Butuh waktu lama untuk merasa nyaman dengan bakat ini. Sebagian orang tidak pernah sampai ke sana. Itulah yang dialami Kat, dia ingin hidup normal seperti anak kelas tujuh lainnya. Tapi dengan ibu seorang medium pemanggil arwah- sulit bagi Kat untuk hidup normal. Para arwah seringkali seenaknya berkeliaran di rumah Kat. Salah satunya bahkan muncul saat Shoshanna, cewek paling popular di sekolahnya, sedang berkunjung ke rumah Kat. Impian Kat untuk diterima di kalangan anak-anak popular gagal total. Dia malah terancam dikucilkan mereka. Takdir membawanya melewati hidup yang berbeda…
Arwah itu seperti bayi. Mereka menjerit dan melolong saat menginginkan sesuatu, dan mereka akan terus melakukannya sampai kau mengatasi masalah mereka. Dan, lagi-lagi seperti bayi, arwah sering tidak dapat memberitahu apa masalah mereka, atau apa yang mereka butuhkan. Kau tidak bisa sekadar mematikan mereka saat merasa lelah atau butuh rehat dari kesibukan menolong mereka. (hal. 32)
Di perpustakaan sekolah, Kat bertemu arwah Suzanne Bennis yang wafat pada tahun 1960! Awalnya Kat tidak peduli akan kehadiran Suzanne, namun arwah gadis itu ternyata membutuhkan pertolongannya. Apa yang akan dilakukan Kat? Berhasilkah Kat menolong Suzanne agar arwahnya tenang di alam lain? Sssttt….buku ini ternyata ada sekuelnya loh! *duduk manis menunggu buntelan dari ibu peri untuk kiriman seri keduanya
Kata-kata bijak dalam buku ini:
1. Manusia itu rumit. Ada banyak alasan mengapa orang merasakan pertentangan saat merasakan pertentangan saat mencoba menjangkau orang tercinta yang telah meninggal dunia.(hal. 23)
2. Ketika seseorang menuduhmu berbohong tentang sesuatu yang begitu penting menyangkut jati dirimu, itu termasuk serangan. Dan kenyataan bahwa kau membuatnya panik menunjukkan bahwa dalam hatinya dia yakin kemampuan semacam itu memang ada, dan dia takut akan kemampuan tersebut. (hal. 126)
Selasa, 05 April 2011
Rindu Purnama
Buku ini datang kemarin dan langsung saya lahap isinya tadi malam. Senangnya saat buku ini dikirimkan oleh Mbak Ditta bertepatan dengan masuknya film ini di bioskop-bioskop. Makasih yaaa… (>,^) *peluk-peluk
Buku ini diadaptasi dari skenario film dengan judul yang sama. Sekitar tahun 2008-an, mulai menjamurnya buku adaptasi hasil skenario film, sayangnya buku-buku itu hanya sekedar memindahkan tulisan dari skenario ke novel. Bahasanya pun kurang nyaman untuk dibaca, karena alur cerita diambil mentah dari skenario.
Nah, berapa banyak buku atau novel hasil adaptasi film yang layak di baca? Masih bisa dihitung jari. Brownies garapan Hanung Bramantyo diadaptasi dengan manis oleh Fira Basuki dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda. Begitu pula dengan Biola Tak Berdawai yang digarap oleh Sekar Ayu Asmara didaptasi dengan apik oleh Seno Gumira Aji Darma. Selain dua buku itu, belum ada buku adaptasi yang berhasil (jmenurut saya loh… :p)
Untunglah buku ini dipoles manis oleh Tasaro GK, dan uniknya ada selipan cerita oleh penulis yang ternama juga, A. Fuadi. Jadi, ada cerita diantara cerita.
Apakah semua orang dewasa selalu susah dimengerti? Kalau begitu, saya tidak ingin tumbuh saja, ah. Orang dewasa itu payah sekali. Bermimpi saja mereka tidak berani. Saya betul-betul tidak tahu bagaimana cara orang dewasa memikirkan segala sesuatu. Mereka selalu ingin minta penjelasan dan dramatisasi. Merepotkan sekali. (hal.5)
Paragrap di atas merupakan penggalan curahan hati Rindu Kisah anak jalanan bukanlah poin utama cerita ini, Rindu hanyalah penyambung cinta orang dewasa yang ada di sekitarnya: Bu Sarah, Pak Surya, Bang Gaj, Monique.
Kata-kata bijak dalam buku ini:
1. Pernikahan akan membuka rezeki yang tidak kita ketahui dari mana datangnya. (hal.115)
2. Setiap orang menemukan dunianya sendiri-sendiri. (hal.279)
3. Tidak semua orang dewasa susah dimengerti. Mereka hanya tak cukup berani untuk bermimpi. (hal.343)
Yang saya suka dari buku ini: Membahas POLIGAMI — tema skripsi saya banget, hehe..
Saya nggak sabar nonton versi filmnya, mudah-mudahan nyampe Lampung…. :’)
Setelah membaca buku ini kita akan tahu, Rindu Purnama adalah…. (biar makin penasaran)
Buku ini diadaptasi dari skenario film dengan judul yang sama. Sekitar tahun 2008-an, mulai menjamurnya buku adaptasi hasil skenario film, sayangnya buku-buku itu hanya sekedar memindahkan tulisan dari skenario ke novel. Bahasanya pun kurang nyaman untuk dibaca, karena alur cerita diambil mentah dari skenario.
Nah, berapa banyak buku atau novel hasil adaptasi film yang layak di baca? Masih bisa dihitung jari. Brownies garapan Hanung Bramantyo diadaptasi dengan manis oleh Fira Basuki dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda. Begitu pula dengan Biola Tak Berdawai yang digarap oleh Sekar Ayu Asmara didaptasi dengan apik oleh Seno Gumira Aji Darma. Selain dua buku itu, belum ada buku adaptasi yang berhasil (jmenurut saya loh… :p)
Untunglah buku ini dipoles manis oleh Tasaro GK, dan uniknya ada selipan cerita oleh penulis yang ternama juga, A. Fuadi. Jadi, ada cerita diantara cerita.
Apakah semua orang dewasa selalu susah dimengerti? Kalau begitu, saya tidak ingin tumbuh saja, ah. Orang dewasa itu payah sekali. Bermimpi saja mereka tidak berani. Saya betul-betul tidak tahu bagaimana cara orang dewasa memikirkan segala sesuatu. Mereka selalu ingin minta penjelasan dan dramatisasi. Merepotkan sekali. (hal.5)
Paragrap di atas merupakan penggalan curahan hati Rindu Kisah anak jalanan bukanlah poin utama cerita ini, Rindu hanyalah penyambung cinta orang dewasa yang ada di sekitarnya: Bu Sarah, Pak Surya, Bang Gaj, Monique.
Kata-kata bijak dalam buku ini:
1. Pernikahan akan membuka rezeki yang tidak kita ketahui dari mana datangnya. (hal.115)
2. Setiap orang menemukan dunianya sendiri-sendiri. (hal.279)
3. Tidak semua orang dewasa susah dimengerti. Mereka hanya tak cukup berani untuk bermimpi. (hal.343)
Yang saya suka dari buku ini: Membahas POLIGAMI — tema skripsi saya banget, hehe..
Saya nggak sabar nonton versi filmnya, mudah-mudahan nyampe Lampung…. :’)
Setelah membaca buku ini kita akan tahu, Rindu Purnama adalah…. (biar makin penasaran)
Delapan Peri
Ada dua hal yang menjadi alasan saya membeli dan membaca buku ini; judulnya (saya suka dengan yang berbau-bau peri) dan penulisnya. Sitta Karina adalah salah satu penulis lokal yang produktif, dengan genre yang berbeda-beda dalam setiap menuangkan pikirannya. Ada satu lagi ciri khas bukunya, ada selipan ilustrasinya yang menarik.
Inilah daftar menu buku ini dengan cita rasa yang berbeda khas remaja:
1. Setoples kembang gula bernama pilihan
2. Suaraku, sekarang dan anti
3. Thong
4. Wish you were here…
5. Gips cinta buat jehan
6. Transparan
7. 50:50
8. Tujuh cupcake special
9. Sekolah kehidupan
10. Sparkling ran
11. BFF
12. Mencium wangi hujan
13. Warna-warni tetap satu warna
14. Goth is me
15. Huruf-huruf yang melayang
16. Delapan peri
Kata-kata bijak dalan buku ini
1. Sesimpel apapun masalahnya, memilih atau membuat pilihan adalah hal krusial yang akan mempengaruhi kehidupanmu sedetik, semenit, sehari atau bahkan setahun kemudian. (hal.10)
2. Kehidupan adalah rantai, tapi jangan sapai alurnya terjebak dalam efek kupu-kupu; dimana perbuatan kita di hari ini bikin menyesal di kemudian hari karena salah pilih –atau karena tidak memilih dengan pintar. (hal.17)
3. Berpolitik saa dengan bermanuver; memilih degan taktis akan menempuh cara apa dalam mewujudkan keinginan kita, karena hidup tidaklah selalu lurus dan indah. (hal.24)
4. Inspirasi ternyata bisa datang dari mana saja. Bahkan dari sesuatu –seseorang- yang tidak disukai sebelumnya. (hal.87)
5. Hidup ii memang susah dan berat, namun hidup harus diperjuangkan –kita harus berjjuang untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan. (hal.97)
6. Setelah hujan selesai ibaratnya masalah ikut selesai juga. Bau alaminya menetap di rumput. Lalu pelangi muncul. Awal baru dimulai ketika kemelut usai dan berganti dengan introspeksi diri dengan damai, tanpa emosi. (hal.123)
7. Perbedaan seharusnya bukan menjadi halangan, tapi menjadi kekuatannya untuk maju. (hal.137)
8. Untuk bisa membagi cinta pada dunia, harus memulianya dengan mencintai sendiri lebih dahulu. (hal.146)
Inilah daftar menu buku ini dengan cita rasa yang berbeda khas remaja:
1. Setoples kembang gula bernama pilihan
2. Suaraku, sekarang dan anti
3. Thong
4. Wish you were here…
5. Gips cinta buat jehan
6. Transparan
7. 50:50
8. Tujuh cupcake special
9. Sekolah kehidupan
10. Sparkling ran
11. BFF
12. Mencium wangi hujan
13. Warna-warni tetap satu warna
14. Goth is me
15. Huruf-huruf yang melayang
16. Delapan peri
Kata-kata bijak dalan buku ini
1. Sesimpel apapun masalahnya, memilih atau membuat pilihan adalah hal krusial yang akan mempengaruhi kehidupanmu sedetik, semenit, sehari atau bahkan setahun kemudian. (hal.10)
2. Kehidupan adalah rantai, tapi jangan sapai alurnya terjebak dalam efek kupu-kupu; dimana perbuatan kita di hari ini bikin menyesal di kemudian hari karena salah pilih –atau karena tidak memilih dengan pintar. (hal.17)
3. Berpolitik saa dengan bermanuver; memilih degan taktis akan menempuh cara apa dalam mewujudkan keinginan kita, karena hidup tidaklah selalu lurus dan indah. (hal.24)
4. Inspirasi ternyata bisa datang dari mana saja. Bahkan dari sesuatu –seseorang- yang tidak disukai sebelumnya. (hal.87)
5. Hidup ii memang susah dan berat, namun hidup harus diperjuangkan –kita harus berjjuang untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan. (hal.97)
6. Setelah hujan selesai ibaratnya masalah ikut selesai juga. Bau alaminya menetap di rumput. Lalu pelangi muncul. Awal baru dimulai ketika kemelut usai dan berganti dengan introspeksi diri dengan damai, tanpa emosi. (hal.123)
7. Perbedaan seharusnya bukan menjadi halangan, tapi menjadi kekuatannya untuk maju. (hal.137)
8. Untuk bisa membagi cinta pada dunia, harus memulianya dengan mencintai sendiri lebih dahulu. (hal.146)
Diary of Wimpy Vampire: Because The Undead Have Feelings Too
Aku duduk berseberangan dengan Chloe di perpustakaan sambil menulis ini. Dia selalu ada di sini pada jam makan siang. Ini artinya dia belum mendapatkan teman, atau dia seorang kutu buku. Kuharap dia seorang kutu buku, karena dengan begitu cowok-cowok lain tidak akan menyukainya dan aku akan mendapatkan kesempatan yang lebih baik. Mungkin satu menit lagi dia akan menatapku dan menanyakan apa yang sedang kutulis. (hal. 22)
Itulah yang dialami Nigel, vampir yang ababil (abegeh labil! :p). Dia menjadi vampir di usia 15 tahun, dan saat ini umurnya hampir 100 tahun. Peri Buku sebenarnya tahu, dibandingkan vampir, saya lebih menyukai pixi atau berbau-bau fairy. Ternyata ada alasan kenapa Peri Buku mengirimkan buntelan ini, ow….ternyata bukan vampir biasa!! Vampir yang doyan mampir ke perpustakaan demi mendapatkan cintanya, nyahahaha… Peri Buku sangat tahu kalau saya sangat doyan dengan cerita beraroma perpustakaan!! *peluk Peri Buku
Mendongaklah dari bukumu dan menyerahlah pada kebahagiaan sedingin es! Mendongaklah dari bukumu karena sekarang wajahku mulai terasa sakit! (hal.33)
Errrr…sebenarnya saya harus waspada, jangan-jangan diantara pengunjung perpustakaan ada vampir yang menyelinap! ;D
Keindahan supranatural merupakan sesuatu yang dibutuhkan oleh vampir dewasa untuk menarik mangsa, tapi vampir anak-anak tidak membutuhkannya karena mereka memiliki orang tua yang mencarikan makanan untuk mereka. Nigel bukanlah sosok vampir yang diidam-idamkan cewek masa kini, yang berteriak histeris ketika melihat vampir yang unyu-unyu. Nigel harus berjuang keras demi mendapatkan cintanya. Tirulah Nigel. Caranya?? Rajin-rajinlah ke perpustakaan dan membaca banyak buku panduan seperti yang dilakukan Nigel!
Ada beberapa sifat vampir yang harus kita ketahui:
1. Dewan Vampir memerintahakan untuk meminum darah orang sesuai dengan status mereka di masyarakat. (Oh, untung pustakawan gak disebut! :p)
2. Golongan darah A+ untuk makan malam. Rasanya lumayan pahit.
3. Golongan darah O- yang termasuk langka, tapi sangat lezat.
4. Semangkuk hangat darah golongan B+ menghangatkan.
Dengan lehermu yang sangat panjang dan darahmu sangat manis
Hidup tanpamu menjadi tidak lengkap
Betapa aku mendamba untuk menghujamkan taringku ke dalam urat nadimu
Alih-alih aku menunggu dalam sakit yang abadi (hal.228)
– OMG, mengerikan ya kalo dapet puisi cinta macam ini?!? ;D
Nahhhh…ini kalimat favorit: “Salah satu hal terbaik dengan memiliki seorang pacar adalah membantumu menerima dirimu sendiri dan mendapatkan kepercayaan diri.” (hal. 211)
– kyaaaaaaa…merasa tersindir, musti cari pacar nih!
*ubek-ubek rak
*nemunya cuma buku
*masak pacaran ama buku?!?
Apakah Nigel berhasil mendapatkan cintanya? Dan jangan lupa, carilah vampir di buku ini selain Nigel sekeluarga. Eits….buku ini ada sekuelnya loh! Berharap Kantera segera menerbitkan Diary of a Wimpy Vampire: Prince of Darkness dan berharap juga dapet buntelan berikutnya, hehe.. (>,^)
Tim Collins adalah seorang penulis dan copywriter di sebuah perusahaan iklan yang tinggal di London. Dia telah menerbitkan sepuluh buku yang terjual lebih dari 100.000 eksemplar (secara total). Dia telah menulis untuk beberapa majalah dan surat kabar, dan buku-bukunya banyak dipromosikan di TV dan radio.
Itulah yang dialami Nigel, vampir yang ababil (abegeh labil! :p). Dia menjadi vampir di usia 15 tahun, dan saat ini umurnya hampir 100 tahun. Peri Buku sebenarnya tahu, dibandingkan vampir, saya lebih menyukai pixi atau berbau-bau fairy. Ternyata ada alasan kenapa Peri Buku mengirimkan buntelan ini, ow….ternyata bukan vampir biasa!! Vampir yang doyan mampir ke perpustakaan demi mendapatkan cintanya, nyahahaha… Peri Buku sangat tahu kalau saya sangat doyan dengan cerita beraroma perpustakaan!! *peluk Peri Buku
Mendongaklah dari bukumu dan menyerahlah pada kebahagiaan sedingin es! Mendongaklah dari bukumu karena sekarang wajahku mulai terasa sakit! (hal.33)
Errrr…sebenarnya saya harus waspada, jangan-jangan diantara pengunjung perpustakaan ada vampir yang menyelinap! ;D
Keindahan supranatural merupakan sesuatu yang dibutuhkan oleh vampir dewasa untuk menarik mangsa, tapi vampir anak-anak tidak membutuhkannya karena mereka memiliki orang tua yang mencarikan makanan untuk mereka. Nigel bukanlah sosok vampir yang diidam-idamkan cewek masa kini, yang berteriak histeris ketika melihat vampir yang unyu-unyu. Nigel harus berjuang keras demi mendapatkan cintanya. Tirulah Nigel. Caranya?? Rajin-rajinlah ke perpustakaan dan membaca banyak buku panduan seperti yang dilakukan Nigel!
Ada beberapa sifat vampir yang harus kita ketahui:
1. Dewan Vampir memerintahakan untuk meminum darah orang sesuai dengan status mereka di masyarakat. (Oh, untung pustakawan gak disebut! :p)
2. Golongan darah A+ untuk makan malam. Rasanya lumayan pahit.
3. Golongan darah O- yang termasuk langka, tapi sangat lezat.
4. Semangkuk hangat darah golongan B+ menghangatkan.
Dengan lehermu yang sangat panjang dan darahmu sangat manis
Hidup tanpamu menjadi tidak lengkap
Betapa aku mendamba untuk menghujamkan taringku ke dalam urat nadimu
Alih-alih aku menunggu dalam sakit yang abadi (hal.228)
– OMG, mengerikan ya kalo dapet puisi cinta macam ini?!? ;D
Nahhhh…ini kalimat favorit: “Salah satu hal terbaik dengan memiliki seorang pacar adalah membantumu menerima dirimu sendiri dan mendapatkan kepercayaan diri.” (hal. 211)
– kyaaaaaaa…merasa tersindir, musti cari pacar nih!
*ubek-ubek rak
*nemunya cuma buku
*masak pacaran ama buku?!?
Apakah Nigel berhasil mendapatkan cintanya? Dan jangan lupa, carilah vampir di buku ini selain Nigel sekeluarga. Eits….buku ini ada sekuelnya loh! Berharap Kantera segera menerbitkan Diary of a Wimpy Vampire: Prince of Darkness dan berharap juga dapet buntelan berikutnya, hehe.. (>,^)
Tim Collins adalah seorang penulis dan copywriter di sebuah perusahaan iklan yang tinggal di London. Dia telah menerbitkan sepuluh buku yang terjual lebih dari 100.000 eksemplar (secara total). Dia telah menulis untuk beberapa majalah dan surat kabar, dan buku-bukunya banyak dipromosikan di TV dan radio.
Novel baru Andrea Hirata | Padang Bulan dan Cinta di Dalam Gelas
PADANG BULAN menceritakan Enong yang bertekad untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dengan ikut kursus di Tanjong Pandan. Enong tahu, umurnya akan menjadi tantangan paling besar karena dia harus bersaing dengan anak-anak muda.
Sementara itu, Ikal terpukul oleh penolakan ayahnya. Cintanya kepada A Ling sudah bulat, namun ternyata ayahnya menolak mentah-mentah. Sementara, A Ling juga entah di mana. Akibatnya, Ikal merasa otaknya sedikit terganggu dan memutuskan untuk mencari pekerjaan ke Jakarta, menjadi pegawai berseragam yang memiliki uang pensiun seperti yang diinginkan ayah dan ibunya.
Tepat sebelum nakhoda kapal mengangkat sauh, Ikal berubah pikiran. Ada yang belum tuntas ia selesaikan. Ia harus kalahkan Zinar dalam tanding catur!
CINTA DI DALAM GELAS bertutur tentang tugas berat di pundak Ikal. Dia harus membantu Maryamah memenangkan pertandingan catur saat 17 Agustus nanti. Maryamah, yang menyentuh bidak catur saja belum pernah, harus mengalahkan juara catur selama dua tahun berturut-turut yang sekaligus juga mantan suaminya. Namun, lebih dari itu, jenis kelamin Maryamah menjadi tantangan berat untuk bisa mencebur ke dalam pertandingan penuh harkat bagi kaum lelaki ini.
Keanekaragaman Hayati Seri
MALUKU - Paling tidak terdapat 40 dive sites di sekitar Desa Latuhalat. Masing-masing memiliki keunikan dan kecantikan tersendiri. Salah satu lokasi menyelam yang favorit di sekitar Pintu Kota, Desa Latuhalat, Ambon bernama Seri. Dengan arus yang terbilang tenang, dive site ini tentu menjadi salah satu yang terfavorit karena keanekaragaman hayati bawah lautnya.
Di lokasi ini "coral wall" merupakan menu utama. Dengan kedalaman 25 - 30 meter, dinding-dinding tersebut terlihat sangat megah. Selain karang-karang hidup, tumbuhan-tumbuhan unik bawah laut dan ikan-ikan hias, tak jarang pula ikan-ikan berukuran sedang hingga besar hadir meramaikan dive site ini. Lokasi ini merupakan salah satu pilihan jika ingin menyelam dengan didampingi dan menggunakan jasa satu-satunya dive operator yang berdomisili di Santai Beach, Desa Latuhalat, Ambon bernama "Blue Rose".
Pemandangan saat kita naik ke permukaan sehabis menyelam juga memanjakan mata. Tebing-tebing rendah di sekitar Seri berjajar di pesisir. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Seri merupakan lokasi menyelam yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati di bawah permukaan lautnya sekaligus memiliki keindahan yang akan membuat kita takjub di permukaannya.
Di lokasi ini "coral wall" merupakan menu utama. Dengan kedalaman 25 - 30 meter, dinding-dinding tersebut terlihat sangat megah. Selain karang-karang hidup, tumbuhan-tumbuhan unik bawah laut dan ikan-ikan hias, tak jarang pula ikan-ikan berukuran sedang hingga besar hadir meramaikan dive site ini. Lokasi ini merupakan salah satu pilihan jika ingin menyelam dengan didampingi dan menggunakan jasa satu-satunya dive operator yang berdomisili di Santai Beach, Desa Latuhalat, Ambon bernama "Blue Rose".
Pemandangan saat kita naik ke permukaan sehabis menyelam juga memanjakan mata. Tebing-tebing rendah di sekitar Seri berjajar di pesisir. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Seri merupakan lokasi menyelam yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati di bawah permukaan lautnya sekaligus memiliki keindahan yang akan membuat kita takjub di permukaannya.
Menjelajah Sisi Lain Papua: Biak, Supiori, Yapen, Nabire
Papua itu luas. Dua minggu, dua bulan bahkan dua tahun belum tentu cukup untuk menjelajah pulau terbesar kedua di dunia ini.
Daerah yang kami kunjungi adalah Pulau Biak, Pulau Supiori, Pulau Yapen dan Nabire. Semua terletak di Teluk Cendrawasih, teluk terluas di Indonesia.
Dua minggu. Walau jadwal terasa padat, tetap saja belum cukup untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat tadi.
Empat kabupaten. Tiga pulau besar. Sebelas pulau kecil. Enam pulau berpenghuni. Delapan pulau kosong.
Puluhan bahasa. Tapi satu hal sama: orang Papua itu ramah. Dan tidak ada alasan untuk tidak datang ke tempat penuh kejutan ini.
Kapan sebaiknya datang ke sini?
Sepanjang tahun. Bulan-bulan Agustus hingga Oktober waktu paling baik jika ingin banyak menghabiskan waktu di laut.
Bagaimana rutenya?
Satu minggu: Biak - Supiori - Biak – Yapen - Biak
Dua minggu: Biak - Supiori - Biak - Yapen – Nabire - Biak
Lebih dari dua minggu: Biak - Supiori - Numfor - Manokwari - Teluk Wondama - Nabire - Yapen - Biak
Bagaimana datang ke sini?
Dari Jakarta atau Makassar, terbang ke Biak.
Dari Biak ke Supiori dengan jalan darat, sewa mobil atau bis umum.
Dari Supiori ke Numfor dengan kapal sewaan.
Dari Biak ke Numfor (vv) dengan ferry via Manokwari atau kapal sewaan
Dari Manokwari ke Teluk Wondama (Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih) dengan kapal sewaan, dilanjutkan keliling pulau-pulau di atas Nabire.
Dari Nabire ke Yapen dengan kapal sewaan atau kapal nelayan.
Dari Biak ke Yapen dengan pesawat atau kapal sewaan (keliling Yapen).
Dari Biak ke Nabire dengan pesawat.
Bawa Kartu ATM yang online (mis ATM Bersama) BCA hanya ada di Biak.
Reservasi jauh-jauh hari untuk diving. Di Biak hanya ada Biak Diving (Apuse Diving Club) yang jadwalnya sering terisi penuh. Peralatan mencukupi untuk grup kecil.
Bila mengunjungi desa tradisional, bawa kopi, gula dan rokok.
Ketagihan Body Rafting di Jeram Embaloh
KALIMANTAN BARAT - Pernah hanyut di sungai? Pernah rafting? Bagaimana kalau kedua hal tersebut digabungkan? Sayalah yang akan pertama kali berkata "menakjubkan". Pengalaman ini saya dapatkan ketika body rafting di kawasan TN Betung Kerihun.
Jujur saja, baru kali ini saya melakukan body rafting. Awalnya saya takut. Berbagai pikiran negatif seperti hanyut dibawa arus, terbentur batu, dan tenggelam berputar-putar di otak saya. Kemauan untuk ikut body rafting naik turun, antara ada dan tiada, ingin bergabung tapi ragu. Akhirnya dengan segala kenekatan, saya segera melompat ke air dari atas long boat.
"Hwaahh seger,"teriak saya ketika sudah berada di dalam air. Partner saya, Gigih, dan tiga orang pemandu sudah berada di dalam air lima menit sebelumnya. Mereka menyambut saya dengan tertawa-tawa. Saat itu gerimis turun dan membuat kami semakin basah. Saya merasa teramat senang bisa "menghanyutkan diri" di Sungai Embaloh yang jernih dan dalam. Segala prasagka negatif pun saya buang begitu saja. Body rafting sepanjang satu kilometer pun tuntas saya lakoni.
Awalnya kami menaiki longboat dulu ke arah hulu, sekalian mencari jeram yang agak deras. Setelah itu barulah kami mulai terjun ke air dan membiarkan diri hanyut sampai ke tempat kami mendirikan tenda. Pemandu selalu siap mendampingi kami. Di long boat seorang motoris juga selalu siaga mengikuti kami dan akan menyelamatkan kami kalau-kalau kami terbawa arus dan tidak bisa mengendalikan diri.
Body rafting adalah salah satu kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan ketika petualang berkunjung ke TNBK selain pengamatan satwa. Air Sungai Embaloh yang jernih, beriam, dan berarus agak deras tentu saja sangat mendukung aktivitas ini. Jika ingin sensasi yang lebih menakjubkan dan menakutkan, olahraga ini bisa dilakukan agak ke hulu dengan jeram dan arus lebih kuat. Bagi yang kemampuan berenangnya kurang bagus, tak perlu khawatir akan tenggelam selama mengikuti prosedur keamanan yang benar, yakni memakai pelampung dan sebisa mungkin tidak dalam posisi tengkurap. Pemandu wisata juga akan melatih kita sebelum benar-benar body rafting sekian kilometer ke hilir. Keanekaragaman hayati di kanan dan kiri sungai menambah keterpukauan saya berkegiatan di taman nasional ini.
Jujur saja, baru kali ini saya melakukan body rafting. Awalnya saya takut. Berbagai pikiran negatif seperti hanyut dibawa arus, terbentur batu, dan tenggelam berputar-putar di otak saya. Kemauan untuk ikut body rafting naik turun, antara ada dan tiada, ingin bergabung tapi ragu. Akhirnya dengan segala kenekatan, saya segera melompat ke air dari atas long boat.
"Hwaahh seger,"teriak saya ketika sudah berada di dalam air. Partner saya, Gigih, dan tiga orang pemandu sudah berada di dalam air lima menit sebelumnya. Mereka menyambut saya dengan tertawa-tawa. Saat itu gerimis turun dan membuat kami semakin basah. Saya merasa teramat senang bisa "menghanyutkan diri" di Sungai Embaloh yang jernih dan dalam. Segala prasagka negatif pun saya buang begitu saja. Body rafting sepanjang satu kilometer pun tuntas saya lakoni.
Awalnya kami menaiki longboat dulu ke arah hulu, sekalian mencari jeram yang agak deras. Setelah itu barulah kami mulai terjun ke air dan membiarkan diri hanyut sampai ke tempat kami mendirikan tenda. Pemandu selalu siap mendampingi kami. Di long boat seorang motoris juga selalu siaga mengikuti kami dan akan menyelamatkan kami kalau-kalau kami terbawa arus dan tidak bisa mengendalikan diri.
Body rafting adalah salah satu kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan ketika petualang berkunjung ke TNBK selain pengamatan satwa. Air Sungai Embaloh yang jernih, beriam, dan berarus agak deras tentu saja sangat mendukung aktivitas ini. Jika ingin sensasi yang lebih menakjubkan dan menakutkan, olahraga ini bisa dilakukan agak ke hulu dengan jeram dan arus lebih kuat. Bagi yang kemampuan berenangnya kurang bagus, tak perlu khawatir akan tenggelam selama mengikuti prosedur keamanan yang benar, yakni memakai pelampung dan sebisa mungkin tidak dalam posisi tengkurap. Pemandu wisata juga akan melatih kita sebelum benar-benar body rafting sekian kilometer ke hilir. Keanekaragaman hayati di kanan dan kiri sungai menambah keterpukauan saya berkegiatan di taman nasional ini.
Daftar Wisata Kota Palembang
SUMATERA SELATAN - Wisata alam, wisata kuliner, wisata sejarah, dan wisata kebudayaan, semua tersaji lengkap di ibukota Sumatera Selatan ini. Jika anda mampir ke Palembang, jangan hanya membawa pulang mpek-mpeknya saja, tetapi bawa pulang juga pengalaman berharga dari berbagai macam wisata yang ditawarkannya.
Bila menggunakan pesawat untuk mencapai Palembang, mungkin anda akan disambut dengan banyak informasi wisata di Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II, namun jika menyebrang dengan kapal laut, anda tak akan menemukan hal serupa di pelabuhan Boom Baru. Saran kami, datanglah ke Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Palembang. Letaknya di Jl. Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II no.2, tepat di bawah Museum Sultan Badarudin. Anda bisa membawa pulang berbagai flyer dan buku panduan wisata Negeri Pempek ini.
Dalam tulisan ini, kami akan memberikan daftar beberapa wisata yang bisa dijadikan referensi selama anda menjelajahi Kota Pempek. Here we go!
1. Wisata Alam
- Sungai Musi
Lomba Perahu Bidar dan Perahu Motor Hias menghiasi Musi ssetiap Hari Kemerdekaan dan Hari Jadi Kota Palembang (17 Juni).
- Pulau Kemaro
Terdapat Klenteng Budha dan Pagoda yang dibuka dan sangat ramai saat perayaan Cap Go Meh.
- Taman Hutan Wisata Punti Kayu
Anda bisa menikmati wilayah taman kreasi yang mempunyai fasilitas: kolam renang, tempat ibadah, kebun binatang, dan sarana olah raga. Ada juga wilayah hutan lindung, wilayah perkemahan, serta wilayah danau dan rawa.
- Bukit Siguntang
Anda dapat menikmati panorama kota Palembang dari ketinggian Bukit Siguntang. Bukit ini juga merupakan objek wisata arkeologi.
2. Wisata Kuliner
Semua jenis pempek asli Palembang tentunya harus mampir ke lidah anda sebelum pulang ke tempat asal.
- Pempek: Pempek Kapal Selam, Pempek Tahu, Pempek Lenggang, Pepmpek Kates, Pempek Lenjer, Pempek Panggang, Pempek Adaan, Pempek Kerupuk, Model, Tekwan, Lakitan, Celimpungan, Burgo, Lakso, Ketolo, Kelasan, Kelempang.
- Aneka jajanan pasar pagi: dadar jiwo, mentu, bugis, kuepau, apem, apem banyu, gunjing, putu embun, putu mayang, telok ukan, blunder, ketan, ketan punar, klepon, bodem, gelenak, engkak cucut, engkak medok, engkak ketan.
3. Wisata Sejarah
- Masjid Agung Palembang
- Benteng Kuto Besak
- Jembatan Ampera
- Monumen Penderitaan Rakyat
- Museum Sultan Badaruddin II
- Museum Balaputra Dewa
- Taman Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya
- Kampung Kapiten
4. Wisata Kebudayaan
- Tenun Songket Palembang (di Jl. Lap. Hatta & Jl. Naga Swidak)
- Tari Gending Sriwijaya, Tari Tanggai, Tari Tenun Songket, Tari Rodat Cempako, Tari Mejeng Besuko, TariMadik, Seni Dul Muluk, dan Wayang Palembang.
Bila menggunakan pesawat untuk mencapai Palembang, mungkin anda akan disambut dengan banyak informasi wisata di Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II, namun jika menyebrang dengan kapal laut, anda tak akan menemukan hal serupa di pelabuhan Boom Baru. Saran kami, datanglah ke Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Palembang. Letaknya di Jl. Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II no.2, tepat di bawah Museum Sultan Badarudin. Anda bisa membawa pulang berbagai flyer dan buku panduan wisata Negeri Pempek ini.
Dalam tulisan ini, kami akan memberikan daftar beberapa wisata yang bisa dijadikan referensi selama anda menjelajahi Kota Pempek. Here we go!
1. Wisata Alam
- Sungai Musi
Lomba Perahu Bidar dan Perahu Motor Hias menghiasi Musi ssetiap Hari Kemerdekaan dan Hari Jadi Kota Palembang (17 Juni).
- Pulau Kemaro
Terdapat Klenteng Budha dan Pagoda yang dibuka dan sangat ramai saat perayaan Cap Go Meh.
- Taman Hutan Wisata Punti Kayu
Anda bisa menikmati wilayah taman kreasi yang mempunyai fasilitas: kolam renang, tempat ibadah, kebun binatang, dan sarana olah raga. Ada juga wilayah hutan lindung, wilayah perkemahan, serta wilayah danau dan rawa.
- Bukit Siguntang
Anda dapat menikmati panorama kota Palembang dari ketinggian Bukit Siguntang. Bukit ini juga merupakan objek wisata arkeologi.
2. Wisata Kuliner
Semua jenis pempek asli Palembang tentunya harus mampir ke lidah anda sebelum pulang ke tempat asal.
- Pempek: Pempek Kapal Selam, Pempek Tahu, Pempek Lenggang, Pepmpek Kates, Pempek Lenjer, Pempek Panggang, Pempek Adaan, Pempek Kerupuk, Model, Tekwan, Lakitan, Celimpungan, Burgo, Lakso, Ketolo, Kelasan, Kelempang.
- Aneka jajanan pasar pagi: dadar jiwo, mentu, bugis, kuepau, apem, apem banyu, gunjing, putu embun, putu mayang, telok ukan, blunder, ketan, ketan punar, klepon, bodem, gelenak, engkak cucut, engkak medok, engkak ketan.
3. Wisata Sejarah
- Masjid Agung Palembang
- Benteng Kuto Besak
- Jembatan Ampera
- Monumen Penderitaan Rakyat
- Museum Sultan Badaruddin II
- Museum Balaputra Dewa
- Taman Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya
- Kampung Kapiten
4. Wisata Kebudayaan
- Tenun Songket Palembang (di Jl. Lap. Hatta & Jl. Naga Swidak)
- Tari Gending Sriwijaya, Tari Tanggai, Tari Tenun Songket, Tari Rodat Cempako, Tari Mejeng Besuko, TariMadik, Seni Dul Muluk, dan Wayang Palembang.
Pantai Koka, The Next Dream Beach
Nusa Tenggara Timur - Daratan Flores tidak henti-hentinya menawarkan pemandangan alam yang eksotis. Di tengah2 petualangan Cika menyusuri keindahan alam Flores, ternyata masih ada satu tempat yang sangat menarik namun sepertinya jarang dijamah manusia (tpi jangan berpikir tempatnya di alam gaib lho ya ). Sebenarnya sudah ada jalan menuju ke tempat ini,namun kurang banyak orang yang mengetahui tempat ini karena jalan masuknya agak kurang terlihat dan papan penunjuk arahnya sudah tidak jelas lagi menunjuk kea rah mana,hehe..
Tpi jangan khawatir,Cika bakal ngasi sedikit petunjuk untuk dapat mencapai lokasi ini. Dengan ditemani oleh seorang sahabat asli putra Flores, Cika memulai perjalanan menuju Pantai Koka, The Dream Beach dari kota Maumere. Dengan menyusuri jalan yang berkelok2 selama hampir 1 jam menuju arah Ende, akhirnya Cika tiba di Kecamatan Paga yang merupakan lokasi pantai ini. Nah, setelah mencapai Paga tinggal tengok2 ke kiri jalan, karena nantinya akan ada papan petunjuk arah menuju pantai. Pada saat nyari papan petunjuk jalan mesti focus, nda boleh lirik2 yg laen (apa coba ??? :p) karena ukuran papannya cukup kecil dan posisinya sudah tidak normal a.k.a mereng kanan kiri. Kalo nda nemu jalan menuju pantai,padahal kepala udah mereng kiri karena kelamaan nyari n tiba2 sudah sampai di gerbang perbatasan kota Maumere – Ende, itu artinya jalan menuju pantai udah lewat. Tpi jangan khawatir, lewatnya ga jauh ko, coba deh telusuri lagi jalan yg dilalui sebelumnya sambil nanya2 ke warga setempat, pasti deh ketemu.
Kalo udah nemu jalannya, berarti kurang lagi beberapa menit lagi temen2 bakal melihat pemandangan yang sangat indah dan menawan. Dengan hamparan pantai putih bersih dan birunya laut sangat menyejukkan dan menenangkan hati. Dari jalan utama, tinggal menelusuri jalan kecil selama kurang lebih 15 menit. Berhubung jalannya cukup kecil dan kondisinya kurang bagus, Cika saranin sebaiknya kesini naek sepeda motor, ato kalopun menggunakan mobil parkirnya di jalan utama saja trus jalan kaki. Tpi kalo udh yg mahir naek mobil n males jalan kaki, nda papa si naek mobil, cuman ya gitu kalo seandainya ada mobil papas an dari arah berlawanan mesti nyari tempat yg kosong biar mobilnya bisa lewat
Begitu sampai di Pantai Koka, hamparan pasir putih dan birunya laut sudah menyapa Cika dan seolah2 memanggil untuk menikmati keindahan yang ada. Tidak menyia2kan waktu, Cika langsung mengambil kamera Canon Powershoot kesayangan (kamera satu2nya si,hehe) untuk mengabadikan keajaiban alam yang sangat mempesona ini. Rasanya tidak cukup kalo hanya poto2 saja, mesti merasakan juga lembutnya belaian ombak Pantai Koka. Tapi kalo mau berenang disini paling ngga mesti sudah bisa berenang, coz ombaknya cukup besar, bahkan waktu Cika berenang tinggi ombak bisa mencapai 1,5 meter. Cucok banget buat yg hobi surfing.
Menikmati keindahan alam Pantai Koka seperti tiada habisnya, sayangnya keindahan ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Dalam bayangan Cika, seandainya jalannya diperlebar dan diperbaiki, papan petunjuk arah dibuat dengan design menarik dan permanen, ada fasilitas hotel/cottage, restaurant di pesisir pantai tentunya akan menambah pesona pantai ini. Apalagi ditambah dengan promosi wisata yang gencar ke mancanegara pasti akan semakin banyak wisatawan yang berminat untuk mengunjunjungi Pantai Koka dan tempat2 menarik lainnya di Flores.
Senin, 04 April 2011
Jacky Cheung
Jacky Cheung adalah penyanyi dan aktor Hong Kong sejak tahun 1980-an sampai sekarang dan belum pensiun. Jacky disebut media sebagai salah satu dari 4 raja langit hongkong bersama dengan Aaron Kwok, Andy Lau and Leon Lai. Jacky pernah menggelar world tour dan salah satu tempat konsernya adalah di Indonesia, yaitu Medan dan Jakarta. Jacky lahir tanggal 10 Juli 1961 di Hong Kong. Jacky terkenal sebagai salah satu orang yang mempunyai suara merdu di antara penyanyi Kong Kong sehingga dijuluki sebagai Dewa dari lagu-lagu, dan lagu-lagunya adalah salah satu yang paling banyak dinyanyikan dalam karaoke lagu mandarin dan kompetisi(termasuk Indonesia) dibanding penyanyi lain.
Andy Lau
Andy Lau (born 27 September 1961) is a Hong Kong Cantopop singer, actor, and film producer. Lau has been one of Hong Kong's most commercially successful film actors since the mid-1980s, performing in more than 160 films while maintaining a successful singing career at the same time. In the 1990s, Lau was branded by the media as one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Cantopop (四大天王) along with Aaron Kwok, Jacky Cheung and Leon Lai.
Celine Dion
Céline Marie Claudette Dion (lahir di Charlemagne, Quebec, Kanada, 30 Maret 1968; umur 43 tahun) atau lebih dikenal dengan Celine Dion merupakan seorang penyanyi dan diva pop dunia berkebangsaan Kanada. Ia memulai debutnya di industri rekaman pada tahun 1981 sebagai penyanyi berbahasa Perancis, di bawah bimbingan René Angélil, yang kemudian menjadi suaminya sampai sekarang. Ia pun kemudian menjadi penyanyi terkenal di negara-negara berbahasa Perancis. Pada tahun 1990, Celine mulai merilis album berbahasa Inggris pertamanya, Unison yang melejitkan namanya di Amerika Utara dan di seluruh dunia. Sepanjang dekade 1990-an, Celine meraih kesuksesan di seluruh dunia dengan sejumlah album dalam bahasa Inggris dan Perancis, menjadikannya salah satu artis tersukses dalam sejarah musik pop.
Sepanjang perjalanan kariernya, Celine telah menerima banyak penghargaan diantaranya: 5 Grammy Awards, 12 World Music Awards, 7 American Music Awards, 7 Billboard Music Awards, 21 Juno Awards dan 39 Felix Awards.
Pada tahun 1996, Celine menerima penghargaan "Medals of Arts and Letters" dari pemerintah Perancis sebagai artis berbahasa Perancis terlaris dalam sejarah. Pada tahun 2004, ia juga dianugerahi Chopard Diamond award oleh World Music Awards sebagai artis wanita terlaris sepanjang masa. Pada tahun 2007, Sony BMG mengumumkan bahwa Dion telah menjual lebih dari 200 juta keping album di seluruh dunia.
Sepanjang perjalanan kariernya, Celine telah menerima banyak penghargaan diantaranya: 5 Grammy Awards, 12 World Music Awards, 7 American Music Awards, 7 Billboard Music Awards, 21 Juno Awards dan 39 Felix Awards.
Pada tahun 1996, Celine menerima penghargaan "Medals of Arts and Letters" dari pemerintah Perancis sebagai artis berbahasa Perancis terlaris dalam sejarah. Pada tahun 2004, ia juga dianugerahi Chopard Diamond award oleh World Music Awards sebagai artis wanita terlaris sepanjang masa. Pada tahun 2007, Sony BMG mengumumkan bahwa Dion telah menjual lebih dari 200 juta keping album di seluruh dunia.
David Foster
David Walter Foster, OC, OBC (born November 1, 1949), is a Canadian musician, record producer, composer, singer, songwriter and arranger, noted for discovering successful singers Celine Dion, Josh Groban and Michael Bublé, and for producing some of the most successful artists in the world.
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan, S.B.S., M.B.E. (bahasa Tionghoa: 成龍; pinyin: Chéng Lóng; lahir dengan nama 陳港生; pinyin: Chén Gǎngshēng; lahir di Victoria Peak, Hong Kong, 7 April 1954; umur 56 tahun) adalah seorang aktor, sutradara, stuntman, produser, aktor bela diri, aktor komedi, penulis naskah layar lebar dan penyanyi dari Hong Kong. Ia adalah salah satu tokoh yang terkenal dalam seni bela diri (kung fu) dari Cina dan aktor layar lebar dunia yang terkenal dengan aksi pertarungan akrobatiknya, ahli penggunaan berbagai macam alat yang ditemui di sekitarnya sebagai senjata dan aktor laga yang memiliki banyak inovasi. Ia telah mendalami seni peran sejak tahun 1970-an, dan sudah tampil tak kurang dalam 100 film serta pernah menerima penghargaan di Hong Kong Avenue of Stars dan di Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Sebagai seorang ikon kebudayaan, ia telah direferensikan dalam berbagai lagu-lagu pop, kartun dan permainan video. Selain berakting, dia adalah seorang bintang Cantopop dan Mandopop, dan sudah menerbitkan tidak kurang dari 20 album sejak tahun 1984 dan menyanyikan banyak musik tema dari film-film yang diperaninya. Di tahun 2008, dia, bersama-sama dengan Andy Lau, Liu Huan dan Emil Chau, menyanyikan lagu perpisahan "Hard to Say Goodbye" pada upacara penutupan Olimpiade musim panas tahun 2008 di Beijing, Cina
Sebagai seorang ikon kebudayaan, ia telah direferensikan dalam berbagai lagu-lagu pop, kartun dan permainan video. Selain berakting, dia adalah seorang bintang Cantopop dan Mandopop, dan sudah menerbitkan tidak kurang dari 20 album sejak tahun 1984 dan menyanyikan banyak musik tema dari film-film yang diperaninya. Di tahun 2008, dia, bersama-sama dengan Andy Lau, Liu Huan dan Emil Chau, menyanyikan lagu perpisahan "Hard to Say Goodbye" pada upacara penutupan Olimpiade musim panas tahun 2008 di Beijing, Cina
Rabu, 30 Maret 2011
Bedtime Stories
Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) is a hotel handyman who was promised by his father to be the manager of the family hotel. Barry Nottingham agreed to keep that promise when the Bronson family sold their hotel to him - then built a new hotel instead. When the story begins, an adult Skeeter is the new hotel's handyman, while management is held by Kendall (Guy Pearce). Nottingham's new hotel is a hit, but he's got plans to build an even more elaborate hotel, one designed around a theme that he's keeping secret.
Skeeter's sister Wendy (Courteney Cox) asks him to watch her kids, Bobbi and Patrick while she goes out of town on a job interview. Also helping out is Wendy's friend Jill (Keri Russel). Currently, Wendy is the principal of a school scheduled for demolition. Skeeter does not know his niece and nephew very well, but agrees. That night, putting them to bed, Skeeter gives them a story, one obviously inspired by his own life as an "underdamiciated" handyman: a downtrodden squire "Sir Fixalot" rivals the pompous "Sir Buttkiss" in competition for a new job. The kids add their own details, such as the king giving Sir Fixalot a chance to prove himself, a mermaid based on Jill, and a downpour of gumballs when Fixalot prevails.
The following day, while fixing Nottingham's television, Skeeter learns that the new hotel's surprise theme will be rock and roll. Nottingham is shocked to learn from Skeeter that that idea was already used for the Hard Rock Hotel. Nottingham offers Skeeter a chance to compete with Kendall for a better theme. While driving, Skeeter is suddenly greeted with a shower of gumballs, which he does not see is caused by a crashed delivery truck. Skeeter concludes that the story had come true and quickly develops a plan.
For the next story, he chooses a Western in which he receives a horse named "Ferrari" from an Indian chief (Rob Schneider) for free. The children have him save a damsel in distress. They claim he should be rewarded with a kiss, only to have a dwarf kick him instead. That night, Skeeter goes out in search of his Ferrari and meets a man (also played by Schneider), who steals his wallet. Nottingham's daughter, Violet, hounded by paparazzi, is rescued by the passing Skeeter. Just as he is about to kiss her, he is kicked by a dwarf. From this point, he determines that it is only the changes made by the children that affect reality.
The following night, Skeeter tries to sell the kids on the theme ideas contest, but they are more interested in romance and action in their stories. The next story begins with Skeeticus, a Greek gladiator who, after impressing the emperor and a stadium of onlookers, attracts the attention of the most beautiful maiden. After a meal in which all the girls who used to pick on him in high school were impressed by the beautiful maiden he is with, they start randomly singing the "Hokey Pokey". After Skeeticus saves a man's life, a rainstorm sends him and the maiden into a magical cave which has Abraham Lincoln in it. Skeeter loses his patience with the story and upsets the children, telling them that their stories have nothing to do with real life. Unable to get them to continue, the story ends.
The next day, Skeeter learns Violet will not be meeting with him per the story design, but unexpectedly runs into Jill, who invites him to lunch. Recognizing girls at the restaurant from his high school days, Skeeter asks Jill to pretend to be his girlfriend. The girls are plainly impressed, and then inexplicably break into the "Hokey Pokey". Going to the beach with Jill, Skeeter casually saves the life of a man before a sudden rainstorm sends them under the dock. Skeeter realizes that the girl in the stories isn't Violet, it's Jill and that he is falling in love with her. As they are about to kiss, Skeeter remembers that Abe Lincoln is supposed to appear, and moves away. Instead, an American penny (with Lincoln's face on it) falls from through the cracks of the dock, completing the story.
For Skeeter and the kids' final night together, a space-themed story begins with Skeeter's character who battles Kendell's character in anti-gravity. Skeeter's character, who speaks in alien gibberish, wins, and Skeeter quickly ends the story. Patrick interjects that the story is too predictable and - remembering Skeeter's argument against whimsically happy endings - pointless. Instead, Skeeter's character is incinerated by a fireball, and there ends the story.
Panicking, Skeeter sees/hears signs of fire everywhere. At Nottingham's luau-themed birthday party, while dodging many fiery hazards, Skeeter's tongue is stung by a bee, making him as hard to understand as his character was in the last of the stories. Luckily, Skeeter's friend Mickey (Russell Brand) can still understand him, and offers to translate for him. Kendall's idea is for a hotel with a theme celebrating Broadway musicals - an idea that impresses no one. Nottingham much prefers Skeeter's approach - simply reminding them of how fun children have when staying at a classy hotel. After winning the competition, Skeeter thinks he's found his happy ending. Instead, he panics when he sees Nottingham's oversized birthday cake, and douses the candle and Nottingham with a fire extinguisher. An enraged Nottingham tells Skeeter that he's fired.
Afterward, Jill, Patrick, and Bobbi discover that the school where they all work and attend is to be knocked down to make way for the new hotel, and they are all upset with Skeeter, refusing to believe that he didn't know about the location. Wendy believes him, but is upset because he taught the children not to believe in happy endings. She confesses that she had always been jealous of his and their father's ability to believe in made up stories and have fun the way she never did and had secretly hoped that by leaving her children with him that his fun loving nature would rub off on them. When they attend the demolition to protest, Skeeter is inspired to prevent the school from being demolished - one of the girls from his high school days works for the city, and helps find Nottingham an alternative location. Skeeter takes Jill on a wild motorcycle ride (during which Skeeter steals back his wallet from Rob Schneider) which ends at the school and manages to stop the countdown. Sometime later, he marries Jill and finds a hotel named after his late father. Kendall and his scheming partner Aspen (Lucy Lawless) are demoted to Skeeter's hotel wait staff.
Skeeter's sister Wendy (Courteney Cox) asks him to watch her kids, Bobbi and Patrick while she goes out of town on a job interview. Also helping out is Wendy's friend Jill (Keri Russel). Currently, Wendy is the principal of a school scheduled for demolition. Skeeter does not know his niece and nephew very well, but agrees. That night, putting them to bed, Skeeter gives them a story, one obviously inspired by his own life as an "underdamiciated" handyman: a downtrodden squire "Sir Fixalot" rivals the pompous "Sir Buttkiss" in competition for a new job. The kids add their own details, such as the king giving Sir Fixalot a chance to prove himself, a mermaid based on Jill, and a downpour of gumballs when Fixalot prevails.
The following day, while fixing Nottingham's television, Skeeter learns that the new hotel's surprise theme will be rock and roll. Nottingham is shocked to learn from Skeeter that that idea was already used for the Hard Rock Hotel. Nottingham offers Skeeter a chance to compete with Kendall for a better theme. While driving, Skeeter is suddenly greeted with a shower of gumballs, which he does not see is caused by a crashed delivery truck. Skeeter concludes that the story had come true and quickly develops a plan.
For the next story, he chooses a Western in which he receives a horse named "Ferrari" from an Indian chief (Rob Schneider) for free. The children have him save a damsel in distress. They claim he should be rewarded with a kiss, only to have a dwarf kick him instead. That night, Skeeter goes out in search of his Ferrari and meets a man (also played by Schneider), who steals his wallet. Nottingham's daughter, Violet, hounded by paparazzi, is rescued by the passing Skeeter. Just as he is about to kiss her, he is kicked by a dwarf. From this point, he determines that it is only the changes made by the children that affect reality.
The following night, Skeeter tries to sell the kids on the theme ideas contest, but they are more interested in romance and action in their stories. The next story begins with Skeeticus, a Greek gladiator who, after impressing the emperor and a stadium of onlookers, attracts the attention of the most beautiful maiden. After a meal in which all the girls who used to pick on him in high school were impressed by the beautiful maiden he is with, they start randomly singing the "Hokey Pokey". After Skeeticus saves a man's life, a rainstorm sends him and the maiden into a magical cave which has Abraham Lincoln in it. Skeeter loses his patience with the story and upsets the children, telling them that their stories have nothing to do with real life. Unable to get them to continue, the story ends.
The next day, Skeeter learns Violet will not be meeting with him per the story design, but unexpectedly runs into Jill, who invites him to lunch. Recognizing girls at the restaurant from his high school days, Skeeter asks Jill to pretend to be his girlfriend. The girls are plainly impressed, and then inexplicably break into the "Hokey Pokey". Going to the beach with Jill, Skeeter casually saves the life of a man before a sudden rainstorm sends them under the dock. Skeeter realizes that the girl in the stories isn't Violet, it's Jill and that he is falling in love with her. As they are about to kiss, Skeeter remembers that Abe Lincoln is supposed to appear, and moves away. Instead, an American penny (with Lincoln's face on it) falls from through the cracks of the dock, completing the story.
For Skeeter and the kids' final night together, a space-themed story begins with Skeeter's character who battles Kendell's character in anti-gravity. Skeeter's character, who speaks in alien gibberish, wins, and Skeeter quickly ends the story. Patrick interjects that the story is too predictable and - remembering Skeeter's argument against whimsically happy endings - pointless. Instead, Skeeter's character is incinerated by a fireball, and there ends the story.
Panicking, Skeeter sees/hears signs of fire everywhere. At Nottingham's luau-themed birthday party, while dodging many fiery hazards, Skeeter's tongue is stung by a bee, making him as hard to understand as his character was in the last of the stories. Luckily, Skeeter's friend Mickey (Russell Brand) can still understand him, and offers to translate for him. Kendall's idea is for a hotel with a theme celebrating Broadway musicals - an idea that impresses no one. Nottingham much prefers Skeeter's approach - simply reminding them of how fun children have when staying at a classy hotel. After winning the competition, Skeeter thinks he's found his happy ending. Instead, he panics when he sees Nottingham's oversized birthday cake, and douses the candle and Nottingham with a fire extinguisher. An enraged Nottingham tells Skeeter that he's fired.
Afterward, Jill, Patrick, and Bobbi discover that the school where they all work and attend is to be knocked down to make way for the new hotel, and they are all upset with Skeeter, refusing to believe that he didn't know about the location. Wendy believes him, but is upset because he taught the children not to believe in happy endings. She confesses that she had always been jealous of his and their father's ability to believe in made up stories and have fun the way she never did and had secretly hoped that by leaving her children with him that his fun loving nature would rub off on them. When they attend the demolition to protest, Skeeter is inspired to prevent the school from being demolished - one of the girls from his high school days works for the city, and helps find Nottingham an alternative location. Skeeter takes Jill on a wild motorcycle ride (during which Skeeter steals back his wallet from Rob Schneider) which ends at the school and manages to stop the countdown. Sometime later, he marries Jill and finds a hotel named after his late father. Kendall and his scheming partner Aspen (Lucy Lawless) are demoted to Skeeter's hotel wait staff.
The Next Three Days
Lara Brennan (Banks) is convicted of murdering her boss after an altercation at work. Following the failure of her appeal, Lara's college professor husband John Brennan (Crowe) becomes obsessed with the idea of breaking her out of jail, while their son Luke[6] ceases to acknowledge her during their prison visits.
While covering Don Quixote with his students, John asks the existential question "If we choose to exist in our own reality, are we insane? And if we are, isn't that better than a life of despair?" John consults Damon Pennington (Liam Neeson), a former convict who successfully escaped from prison seven times. Damon advises John to study the prison, saying "every prison has a key". Damon also warns him that the initial escape from the prison will be easy compared with avoiding capture after the escape. To that end, John must obtain false passports, new social security numbers, and a "truckload of cash" to have a chance of success. Damon also suggests going to an unpopular foreign destination for Americans. John learns Pittsburgh's time to lock-down the city's exits after a call is made to do so: 15 minutes for the city center and 35 minutes for all interstates, secondary roads, and stations or airports.
John contemplates several ideas that don't pan out and is defeated more than once, but latches onto a solid plan and the necessary paperwork after some painful efforts. John falsifies and plants blood work results indicating that his wife is at risk of extreme hyperglycemia, and she is transferred to the hospital. He follows the ambulance and helps her to escape although she is doubtful and reluctant, motivated only by the idea of her son being without either parent.
With the police getting some lucky breaks, they are hot on John and Lara's trail through a series of chases. Throughout the flim, John is shown assembling maps, photographs, notes, and other papers on a wall of his house. He tears them down and stuffs them into several garbage bags before leaving to rescue Lara, leaving one bag in the trash outside his home, and the rest in a dumpster some blocks away. As it turns out he did this selectively to misguide the detectives regarding their final destination. They have an uncomfortable moment at Customs, as a Canadian officer examines their passports and glances at the page of photographs showing people to stop. He allows them to pass. The shift changes, and as they walk down the hall, their photos are added to the list. An international flight is delayed, but the police were after the wrong destination. At the end of the film, the family is safe in Venezuela.
While covering Don Quixote with his students, John asks the existential question "If we choose to exist in our own reality, are we insane? And if we are, isn't that better than a life of despair?" John consults Damon Pennington (Liam Neeson), a former convict who successfully escaped from prison seven times. Damon advises John to study the prison, saying "every prison has a key". Damon also warns him that the initial escape from the prison will be easy compared with avoiding capture after the escape. To that end, John must obtain false passports, new social security numbers, and a "truckload of cash" to have a chance of success. Damon also suggests going to an unpopular foreign destination for Americans. John learns Pittsburgh's time to lock-down the city's exits after a call is made to do so: 15 minutes for the city center and 35 minutes for all interstates, secondary roads, and stations or airports.
John contemplates several ideas that don't pan out and is defeated more than once, but latches onto a solid plan and the necessary paperwork after some painful efforts. John falsifies and plants blood work results indicating that his wife is at risk of extreme hyperglycemia, and she is transferred to the hospital. He follows the ambulance and helps her to escape although she is doubtful and reluctant, motivated only by the idea of her son being without either parent.
With the police getting some lucky breaks, they are hot on John and Lara's trail through a series of chases. Throughout the flim, John is shown assembling maps, photographs, notes, and other papers on a wall of his house. He tears them down and stuffs them into several garbage bags before leaving to rescue Lara, leaving one bag in the trash outside his home, and the rest in a dumpster some blocks away. As it turns out he did this selectively to misguide the detectives regarding their final destination. They have an uncomfortable moment at Customs, as a Canadian officer examines their passports and glances at the page of photographs showing people to stop. He allows them to pass. The shift changes, and as they walk down the hall, their photos are added to the list. An international flight is delayed, but the police were after the wrong destination. At the end of the film, the family is safe in Venezuela.
In the opening scene, 20-year-old Alice Ayres (Natalie Portman) and Dan Woolf (Jude Law) see each other for the first time from opposite sides of a street in London. Alice has just arrived in London from the United States where she had been stripping for a living, Dan is an unsuccessful aspiring British writer who is on his way to work where he writes obituaries for a local newspaper. Alice looks in the wrong direction as she crosses the street and is hit by a taxicab right in front of Dan. He rushes over; she smiles to him and says, "Hello, stranger". He takes her to a hospital, where Alice is treated and released. Afterward, on the way to his office, they stop by Postman's Park, the same park that he and his father visited after his mother's death. Before he leaves her and goes to work, he asks her for her name. They soon start a relationship. A year later, Dan is straying. He has written a novel based on Alice's life and while being photographed to publicize it, he flirts with the American photographer Anna Cameron (Julia Roberts). Anna shares a kiss with Dan before finding out that Dan and Alice are in a relationship. Alice arrives and borrows Anna's bathroom, leaving Anna and Dan alone again. Dan takes the chance to try to persuade Anna into having an affair with him, but is cut short by Alice's return. Alice asks Anna if she can have her portrait taken as well. Anna agrees and Alice asks Dan to leave them alone during the photo shooting. While being photographed, she reveals to Anna that she overheard them, and is photographed weeping. Alice does not reveal what she overheard to Dan, even as he spends a year stalking Anna, who resists.
Another year later, Dan enters a cybersex chat room and randomly meets Larry Gray (Clive Owen), a British dermatologist. With Anna still on his mind, Dan pretends to be her, and using the pretense that they will be having sex, Dan convinces Larry to meet at the aquarium (where Anna told Dan she often went). Larry goes to the meeting place where by coincidence Anna is. Feeling foolish, Larry apologizes but is confused by the situation. Anna tells Larry that a man who had pursued her, Dan, was most likely to blame for the setup. Soon, Anna and Larry become a couple and they refer to Dan as "Cupid" as their inside joke. Four months later, at Anna's photo exhibition, Larry meets Alice, whom he recognizes from the tearful photograph that is one of many being exhibited. Larry knows that Alice and Dan are a couple from talking to Anna and they flirt. Meanwhile, Dan convinces Anna to become involved with him. A year passes, and Dan and Anna have been cheating on their partners with one another, even though Anna got married to Larry during the affair. Dan and Anna both decide to confess to Alice and Larry and are prepared to leave to be with one another. Larry confesses he had slept with a woman on his business trip, only to find out Anna has been having an affair. As Larry and Anna argue she reveals that she thought he would hit her when he found out - something Larry takes offense to. Alice leaves Dan without telling him anything about where she is going.
Alice goes back to stripping to support herself while staying in London, being still in love with Dan. One day, Larry runs into her accidentally at the strip club and he (heart-broken himself) realizes that he knows her, (even though she is wearing a pink wig). He asks her if her name is Alice (knowing full-well who she is), but no matter how much money he gives her, she keeps telling him her name is "Jane Jones." He asks her to come home with him so he can look after her, but she refuses. The line of questioning becomes pornographic, albeit without any explicit nudity, when Larry asks Alice: "What does your cunt taste like?" Alice replies with a smile: "Heaven". Larry then demands: "Alice, tell me something true". Alice replies: "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, ... but it's better if you do". The full irony of Alice's response is not apparent until the conclusion of the film.
A year or so later, Dan goes to Larry's office, asking him to let Anna come back to him, as she is now with Larry again. The office that Larry and Anna had sex in is now fully furnished and Larry is successful with his private practice. He tells Dan that Anna secretly doesn't want to be happy, and that she never turned the signed divorce papers in to her lawyer. Larry suggests to Dan that he try to get Alice back, but Dan does not know where she is. Larry tells him not only where to find Alice, but also that Larry and Alice slept together. Alice takes Dan back and she decides to take them both to America as a surprise vacation. They are in a hotel room near Heathrow Airport happy to be back together. Alice notes that today is the day when they first met on that London street exactly four years ago. They reminisce and then Dan can't help himself and asks her whether she had a one-night stand with Larry, which she initially denies. When he insists on the truth, she suddenly tells him that she doesn't love him anymore and goes on to say that she did sleep with Larry that night he found her working at the strip club. Dan then reveals that Larry had already told him about the one-night stand but that he's already forgiven her. She is angry that he tricked her and insists that it's over and tells him to leave. He refuses, but she tells him that if he doesn't go voluntarily she will call security. He does not believe this, and so she picks up the phone. He grabs her arm and questions her angrily about why she slept with Larry, she eventually says it's because Dan wasn't there, they continue to argue and she spits in his face. Dan almost hits her but refrains. She encourages him to hit her and he does. She looks at him in shock.
After Dan hits her, Alice returns to New York alone. Passing through the immigration checkpoint on her way back into the United States, it is revealed through a shot of her passport that her name is indeed Jane Rachel Jones (the name she had given Larry in the strip club) and that she had lied about her name for the duration of her four-year relationship with Dan. Back in London, Dan returns to Postman's Park, and to his surprise, notices the name "Alice Ayres" on a tile that is dedicated to a girl, "who by intrepid conduct", and at the cost of her young life, saved three children. The final scene shows Alice/Jane walking on Broadway (Times Square) towards W 47th St, in Manhattan, approaching a red "do not walk" pedestrian light, where passers-by are turning their heads staring at her, stunned at her beauty; a scene symmetrical with the opening scene, where Alice/Jane and Dan are staring at each other on the streets of London.
Another year later, Dan enters a cybersex chat room and randomly meets Larry Gray (Clive Owen), a British dermatologist. With Anna still on his mind, Dan pretends to be her, and using the pretense that they will be having sex, Dan convinces Larry to meet at the aquarium (where Anna told Dan she often went). Larry goes to the meeting place where by coincidence Anna is. Feeling foolish, Larry apologizes but is confused by the situation. Anna tells Larry that a man who had pursued her, Dan, was most likely to blame for the setup. Soon, Anna and Larry become a couple and they refer to Dan as "Cupid" as their inside joke. Four months later, at Anna's photo exhibition, Larry meets Alice, whom he recognizes from the tearful photograph that is one of many being exhibited. Larry knows that Alice and Dan are a couple from talking to Anna and they flirt. Meanwhile, Dan convinces Anna to become involved with him. A year passes, and Dan and Anna have been cheating on their partners with one another, even though Anna got married to Larry during the affair. Dan and Anna both decide to confess to Alice and Larry and are prepared to leave to be with one another. Larry confesses he had slept with a woman on his business trip, only to find out Anna has been having an affair. As Larry and Anna argue she reveals that she thought he would hit her when he found out - something Larry takes offense to. Alice leaves Dan without telling him anything about where she is going.
Alice goes back to stripping to support herself while staying in London, being still in love with Dan. One day, Larry runs into her accidentally at the strip club and he (heart-broken himself) realizes that he knows her, (even though she is wearing a pink wig). He asks her if her name is Alice (knowing full-well who she is), but no matter how much money he gives her, she keeps telling him her name is "Jane Jones." He asks her to come home with him so he can look after her, but she refuses. The line of questioning becomes pornographic, albeit without any explicit nudity, when Larry asks Alice: "What does your cunt taste like?" Alice replies with a smile: "Heaven". Larry then demands: "Alice, tell me something true". Alice replies: "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, ... but it's better if you do". The full irony of Alice's response is not apparent until the conclusion of the film.
A year or so later, Dan goes to Larry's office, asking him to let Anna come back to him, as she is now with Larry again. The office that Larry and Anna had sex in is now fully furnished and Larry is successful with his private practice. He tells Dan that Anna secretly doesn't want to be happy, and that she never turned the signed divorce papers in to her lawyer. Larry suggests to Dan that he try to get Alice back, but Dan does not know where she is. Larry tells him not only where to find Alice, but also that Larry and Alice slept together. Alice takes Dan back and she decides to take them both to America as a surprise vacation. They are in a hotel room near Heathrow Airport happy to be back together. Alice notes that today is the day when they first met on that London street exactly four years ago. They reminisce and then Dan can't help himself and asks her whether she had a one-night stand with Larry, which she initially denies. When he insists on the truth, she suddenly tells him that she doesn't love him anymore and goes on to say that she did sleep with Larry that night he found her working at the strip club. Dan then reveals that Larry had already told him about the one-night stand but that he's already forgiven her. She is angry that he tricked her and insists that it's over and tells him to leave. He refuses, but she tells him that if he doesn't go voluntarily she will call security. He does not believe this, and so she picks up the phone. He grabs her arm and questions her angrily about why she slept with Larry, she eventually says it's because Dan wasn't there, they continue to argue and she spits in his face. Dan almost hits her but refrains. She encourages him to hit her and he does. She looks at him in shock.
After Dan hits her, Alice returns to New York alone. Passing through the immigration checkpoint on her way back into the United States, it is revealed through a shot of her passport that her name is indeed Jane Rachel Jones (the name she had given Larry in the strip club) and that she had lied about her name for the duration of her four-year relationship with Dan. Back in London, Dan returns to Postman's Park, and to his surprise, notices the name "Alice Ayres" on a tile that is dedicated to a girl, "who by intrepid conduct", and at the cost of her young life, saved three children. The final scene shows Alice/Jane walking on Broadway (Times Square) towards W 47th St, in Manhattan, approaching a red "do not walk" pedestrian light, where passers-by are turning their heads staring at her, stunned at her beauty; a scene symmetrical with the opening scene, where Alice/Jane and Dan are staring at each other on the streets of London.
Young Carl Fredricksen (Jeremy Leary) is a shy, quiet boy who idolizes renowned explorer Charles F. Muntz (Christopher Plummer). He is saddened to learn, however, that Muntz has been accused of fabricating the skeleton of a giant bird he had claimed to have discovered in Paradise Falls, South America. Muntz vows to return there to capture one alive. One day, Carl befriends an energetic tomboy named Ellie (Elizabeth Docter), who is also a Muntz fan. She confides to Carl her desire to move her "clubhouse"—an abandoned house in the neighborhood—to a cliff overlooking Paradise Falls, making him promise to help her. Carl and Ellie eventually get married and grow old together in the restored house, working as a toy balloon vendor and a zookeeper, respectively. Unable to have children, they repeatedly pool their savings for a trip to Paradise Falls, but end up spending it on more pressing needs. An elderly Carl finally arranges for the trip, but Ellie suddenly becomes ill and dies, leaving him alone.
Years later, Carl (Edward Asner) still lives in the house, now surrounded by urban development, but he refuses to sell. He ends up injuring a construction worker over his damaged mailbox. As a result, he is evicted from the house by court order and ordered to move to a retirement home. However, Carl comes up with a scheme to keep his promise to Ellie: he turns his house into a makeshift airship, using thousands of helium balloons to lift it off its foundations. A young Wilderness Explorer named Russell (Jordan Nagai) becomes an accidental passenger, having pestered Carl earlier in an attempt to earn his final merit badge, "Assisting the Elderly".
After surviving a thunderstorm, the house lands near a large ravine facing Paradise Falls. Carl and Russell harness themselves to the still-buoyant house and begin to walk it around the ravine, hoping to reach the falls before the balloons deflate. They later befriend a tall, colorful flightless bird (whom Russell names "Kevin") trying to reach her chicks, and then a dog named Dug (Bob Peterson), who wears a special collar that allows him to speak.
Carl and Russell encounter a pack of dogs led by Alpha (also Bob Peterson), and are taken to Dug's master, who turns out to be an elderly Charles Muntz. Muntz invites Carl and Russell aboard his dirigible, where he explains that he has spent the years since his disgrace searching Paradise Falls for the giant bird. When Russell innocently reveals his friendship with Kevin, Muntz becomes disturbingly hostile, prompting the pair, Kevin, and Dug to flee, chased by Muntz's dogs. Muntz eventually catches up with them and starts a fire beneath Carl's house, forcing Carl to choose between saving it or Kevin. Carl rushes to put out the fire, allowing Muntz to take the bird. Carl and Russell eventually reach the falls, but Russell is angry with Carl.
Settling into his home, Carl is sadly poring over Ellie's childhood scrapbook when, to his surprise, he finds photos of their married life and a final note from Ellie thanking him for the "adventure" and encouraging him to go on a new one. Reinvigorated, he goes to find Russell, only to see him sailing off on some balloons to save Kevin. Since much of his balloons were popped or deflated trying to get away from Muntz, the house is too heavy to fly, and in an attempt to make it lighter, Carl throws every piece of furniture out, thus allowing it to fly. As his house floats away, it is revealed that his and Ellie's chairs landed right next to each other, just as they had been in his living room.
Russell is captured by Muntz, but Carl manages to board the dirigible in flight and free both Russell and Kevin. Muntz pursues them around the airship, finally cornering Dug, Kevin, and Russell inside Carl's tethered house. Carl lures Kevin out through a window and onto the airship, with Dug and Russell clinging to her back, just as Muntz is about to close in. Muntz leaps after them, only to snag his foot on some balloon lines and fall to his death. Freed from its tether, the house descends out of sight through the clouds.
Carl and Russell reunite Kevin with her chicks, then fly the dirigible back to the city. When Russell's father misses his son's Senior Explorer ceremony, Carl proudly presents Russell with his final badge: the grape soda cap that Ellie gave to Carl when they first met. The two then enjoy some ice cream together, sitting on the curb outside the shop as Russell and his father used to do, with the dirigible parked nearby. Meanwhile, Carl's house is shown to have landed on the cliff beside Paradise Falls in the same spot Ellie pointed out to him earlier, showing that he did keep his promise to her.
Years later, Carl (Edward Asner) still lives in the house, now surrounded by urban development, but he refuses to sell. He ends up injuring a construction worker over his damaged mailbox. As a result, he is evicted from the house by court order and ordered to move to a retirement home. However, Carl comes up with a scheme to keep his promise to Ellie: he turns his house into a makeshift airship, using thousands of helium balloons to lift it off its foundations. A young Wilderness Explorer named Russell (Jordan Nagai) becomes an accidental passenger, having pestered Carl earlier in an attempt to earn his final merit badge, "Assisting the Elderly".
After surviving a thunderstorm, the house lands near a large ravine facing Paradise Falls. Carl and Russell harness themselves to the still-buoyant house and begin to walk it around the ravine, hoping to reach the falls before the balloons deflate. They later befriend a tall, colorful flightless bird (whom Russell names "Kevin") trying to reach her chicks, and then a dog named Dug (Bob Peterson), who wears a special collar that allows him to speak.
Carl and Russell encounter a pack of dogs led by Alpha (also Bob Peterson), and are taken to Dug's master, who turns out to be an elderly Charles Muntz. Muntz invites Carl and Russell aboard his dirigible, where he explains that he has spent the years since his disgrace searching Paradise Falls for the giant bird. When Russell innocently reveals his friendship with Kevin, Muntz becomes disturbingly hostile, prompting the pair, Kevin, and Dug to flee, chased by Muntz's dogs. Muntz eventually catches up with them and starts a fire beneath Carl's house, forcing Carl to choose between saving it or Kevin. Carl rushes to put out the fire, allowing Muntz to take the bird. Carl and Russell eventually reach the falls, but Russell is angry with Carl.
Settling into his home, Carl is sadly poring over Ellie's childhood scrapbook when, to his surprise, he finds photos of their married life and a final note from Ellie thanking him for the "adventure" and encouraging him to go on a new one. Reinvigorated, he goes to find Russell, only to see him sailing off on some balloons to save Kevin. Since much of his balloons were popped or deflated trying to get away from Muntz, the house is too heavy to fly, and in an attempt to make it lighter, Carl throws every piece of furniture out, thus allowing it to fly. As his house floats away, it is revealed that his and Ellie's chairs landed right next to each other, just as they had been in his living room.
Russell is captured by Muntz, but Carl manages to board the dirigible in flight and free both Russell and Kevin. Muntz pursues them around the airship, finally cornering Dug, Kevin, and Russell inside Carl's tethered house. Carl lures Kevin out through a window and onto the airship, with Dug and Russell clinging to her back, just as Muntz is about to close in. Muntz leaps after them, only to snag his foot on some balloon lines and fall to his death. Freed from its tether, the house descends out of sight through the clouds.
Carl and Russell reunite Kevin with her chicks, then fly the dirigible back to the city. When Russell's father misses his son's Senior Explorer ceremony, Carl proudly presents Russell with his final badge: the grape soda cap that Ellie gave to Carl when they first met. The two then enjoy some ice cream together, sitting on the curb outside the shop as Russell and his father used to do, with the dirigible parked nearby. Meanwhile, Carl's house is shown to have landed on the cliff beside Paradise Falls in the same spot Ellie pointed out to him earlier, showing that he did keep his promise to her.
Despicable Me
Despicable Me is a 2010 American computer-animated 3D comedy film from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment that was released on July 9, 2010 in the United States. The film stars Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Julie Andrews, Will Arnett, Kristen Wiig, and Miranda Cosgrove. It is the first CGI feature produced by Universal, in association with its Illumination Entertainment division. It was entirely animated in the French studio Mac Guff in Paris, France.
The story is of a supervillain named Gru who plans to use three orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, only to find that their innocent love is profoundly changing him.
The film earned positive reviews from critics, and grossed more than $500 million worldwide, against a budget of $69 million.
Gru (Steve Carell) is a super-villain, operating out of his suburban home that serves as a front for a underground lair where he, his assistant Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand), and thousands of short yellow minions plan their nefarious deeds. When Gru learns that another super-villain has stolen the Great Pyramid of Giza, his pride is injured, and he plans an even greater heist, stealing the Earth's moon, a plan he has had since childhood but discouraged by his mother (Julie Andrews). The prospect is quite expensive, and Gru seeks out a loan from the Bank of Evil. The Bank's president, Mr. Perkins (Will Arnett), initially refuses to extend Gru a loan, noting that he is much older than the super-villains of the day, but offers that if he can secure a shrink ray, the critical part of Gru's plan, the Bank will give Gru his loan.
Gru is able to steal a shrink ray from a classified East Asia facility, but it is stolen from him moments later by Vector (Jason Segel), a nerdy super-villain who claims responsibility for the Pyramid theft. Gru attempts to break into Vector's lair but is easily defeated by the numerous defenses. Taking a moment to re-plan, he watches as three orphan girls, Margo (Miranda Cosgrove), Edith (Dana Gaier), and Agnes (Elsie Fisher), enter Vector's lab with no difficulty to sell him cookies. Gru devises a scheme to use the girls to take in robotic cookies that can be used to disable the lair's defenses and allow him to steal the shrink ray. He is forced to adopt the three girls from the local orphanage, Miss Hattie's (Kristen Wiig) Home for Girls, falsifying his credentials, and has difficulty coming to nurture them properly between their own rambunctiousness, their ballet classes, and his own unwillingness to be a parent.
Gru is eventually able to set his plan in motion, and with the girls' help, retrieves the shrink ray. The girls suggest going to a theme park to celebrate, which Gru agrees to, seeing it as a way to abandon the girls. However, when he is forced to accompany the girls on one of the rides he finds himself coming around and enjoying his time. Gru and the girls spend the entire day at the park, Gru having warmed up to them.
With the shrink ray in hand, he returns to the Bank and successfully shows his plan to steal the moon to Perkins. Though Perkins is impressed by Gru's plan, he still refuses to give Gru a loan, revealing that Vector is his son and would rather see the Moon stolen by him than by Gru. Encouraged by the girls who want to see Gru succeed by giving him the few coins in their piggy bank, Gru decides to scavenge parts from his lair to construct the rocket that will take him to the moon. Gru plans to launch on the day the moon is in the best position in Earth's orbit, but which happens to be the same day of the girls' ballet recital. Dr. Nefario feels that Gru is not focused in his mission and the girls are becoming the major distraction, so he calls Miss Hattie telling her that Gru wants to return the girls. When Miss Hatie arrives, Gru sadly returns the girls.
Gru launches his rocket and successfully shrinks the moon, unaware that the shrink ray's effects are only temporary. Gru sees he has time to make it to the girls' recital. By the time he lands the recital is over, but Vector has left a ransom note, having kidnapped the girls and demanding the moon for exchange of the girls. Gru commits to the exchange but Vector reneges on the deal, taking both the moon and the girls in his own ship. As the shrink ray's effect wears off and the moon expands, Gru, Dr. Nefario, and the minions launch a rescue operation. They are able to save the girls in time just as the moon causes Vector's ship to hyperjump into space. As the moon hyperjumps back into its original orbit, it expands back to full size, destroying Vector's ship and stranding him on its surface with a space helmet.
Some time later, Gru has readopted the girls and treats them as his family. The girls perform their own ballet recital for Gru, his mother, Dr. Nefario, and the minions, with the movie ending as they all get on stage to dance.
The story is of a supervillain named Gru who plans to use three orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, only to find that their innocent love is profoundly changing him.
The film earned positive reviews from critics, and grossed more than $500 million worldwide, against a budget of $69 million.
Gru (Steve Carell) is a super-villain, operating out of his suburban home that serves as a front for a underground lair where he, his assistant Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand), and thousands of short yellow minions plan their nefarious deeds. When Gru learns that another super-villain has stolen the Great Pyramid of Giza, his pride is injured, and he plans an even greater heist, stealing the Earth's moon, a plan he has had since childhood but discouraged by his mother (Julie Andrews). The prospect is quite expensive, and Gru seeks out a loan from the Bank of Evil. The Bank's president, Mr. Perkins (Will Arnett), initially refuses to extend Gru a loan, noting that he is much older than the super-villains of the day, but offers that if he can secure a shrink ray, the critical part of Gru's plan, the Bank will give Gru his loan.
Gru is able to steal a shrink ray from a classified East Asia facility, but it is stolen from him moments later by Vector (Jason Segel), a nerdy super-villain who claims responsibility for the Pyramid theft. Gru attempts to break into Vector's lair but is easily defeated by the numerous defenses. Taking a moment to re-plan, he watches as three orphan girls, Margo (Miranda Cosgrove), Edith (Dana Gaier), and Agnes (Elsie Fisher), enter Vector's lab with no difficulty to sell him cookies. Gru devises a scheme to use the girls to take in robotic cookies that can be used to disable the lair's defenses and allow him to steal the shrink ray. He is forced to adopt the three girls from the local orphanage, Miss Hattie's (Kristen Wiig) Home for Girls, falsifying his credentials, and has difficulty coming to nurture them properly between their own rambunctiousness, their ballet classes, and his own unwillingness to be a parent.
Gru is eventually able to set his plan in motion, and with the girls' help, retrieves the shrink ray. The girls suggest going to a theme park to celebrate, which Gru agrees to, seeing it as a way to abandon the girls. However, when he is forced to accompany the girls on one of the rides he finds himself coming around and enjoying his time. Gru and the girls spend the entire day at the park, Gru having warmed up to them.
With the shrink ray in hand, he returns to the Bank and successfully shows his plan to steal the moon to Perkins. Though Perkins is impressed by Gru's plan, he still refuses to give Gru a loan, revealing that Vector is his son and would rather see the Moon stolen by him than by Gru. Encouraged by the girls who want to see Gru succeed by giving him the few coins in their piggy bank, Gru decides to scavenge parts from his lair to construct the rocket that will take him to the moon. Gru plans to launch on the day the moon is in the best position in Earth's orbit, but which happens to be the same day of the girls' ballet recital. Dr. Nefario feels that Gru is not focused in his mission and the girls are becoming the major distraction, so he calls Miss Hattie telling her that Gru wants to return the girls. When Miss Hatie arrives, Gru sadly returns the girls.
Gru launches his rocket and successfully shrinks the moon, unaware that the shrink ray's effects are only temporary. Gru sees he has time to make it to the girls' recital. By the time he lands the recital is over, but Vector has left a ransom note, having kidnapped the girls and demanding the moon for exchange of the girls. Gru commits to the exchange but Vector reneges on the deal, taking both the moon and the girls in his own ship. As the shrink ray's effect wears off and the moon expands, Gru, Dr. Nefario, and the minions launch a rescue operation. They are able to save the girls in time just as the moon causes Vector's ship to hyperjump into space. As the moon hyperjumps back into its original orbit, it expands back to full size, destroying Vector's ship and stranding him on its surface with a space helmet.
Some time later, Gru has readopted the girls and treats them as his family. The girls perform their own ballet recital for Gru, his mother, Dr. Nefario, and the minions, with the movie ending as they all get on stage to dance.
Kitaro jakarta concert Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center 7 April 2011
Jadwal Acara | |
Status | upcoming |
Date | 7 April 2011 |
Time | 20:00 |
Venue | Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center |
City | Jakarta |
Price | Platinum Rp 4.000.000 (seat number, order via outlet only) Gold Rp 2.500.000 (seat number, order via outlet only) Silver Rp 1.000.000 Tribune Front Rp 750.000 Tribune Right/Left Rp 500.000 |
Promoter | Velvet Production |
Kabar Kabari
Kitaro, Menunggu Negoisasi Untuk ke Jakarta
Kitaro disebut sebagai salah satu musisi dunia yang sedang dalam proses negosiasi untuk dapat turut tampil meramaikan kancah konser musik kelas dunia di Jakarta April 2011 mendatang bertajuk The Silk Road World Tour 2011, LIVE in JAKARTAPenikmat musik dunia mana yang tidak mengenal atau minimal pernah mendengar lagu ciptaan Kitaro ? Mungkin belum mengenal secara dekat, namun jika dalam tayangan televisi yang kerap memberikan lagu karya Kitaro sebagai suara latar belakang yang mengiringi suatu cerita, rasanya akan marfum jika diinformasikan bahwa suara latar adalah karya Kitaro.
Kitaro adalah musisi asal Jepang kelahiran 1956 yang diakui berkaliber dunia dengan karyanya yang paling dikenal seperti Matsuri, Caravansary, Koi, dan sederet lagu instrumental lainnya yang dibawakan secara khas spektakuler gaya Kitaro yang bernama asli Masanori Takahashi.
Kitaro remaja mengakui amat menyukai musik Soul dan Rhythm & Blues, yang amat dipengaruhi oleh Otis Redding, seniman R&B Amrik yang dipujanya, belajar bermain gitar listrik dan kemudian membentuk band awalnya bernama Albatros untuk tampil di banyak club. “Musik saya bukan rhythm and blues, tetapi terasa seperti soul.” demikian ungkap Kitaro mengenai pemahamannya tentang musi.
Era awal tahun 70-an Kitaro berubah haluan dari gitar listrik dan mulai bermain keyboard, bergabung dengan “Far East Family Band” yang mulai merambah luar negeri.
Kunjungan ke Eropa mempertemukannya dengan Klaus Schulze, seorang pemusik synthesizer asal Jerman yang juga salah satu pendiri Tangerine Dream. Schulze kala itu telah merilis dua album dan sempat memberikan beberapa petunjuk penggunaan synthesizer.
Kitaro meninggalkan Far East Family Band setelah enam tahun bersama untuk melanjutkan solo karir dengan berkeliling Asia, mulai dari China, Laos, Thailand, dan India. Kiprah solo karirnya sukses berat dengan lahirnya dua album perdana berturut Kitaro yang berjudul Ten Kai dan From the Full Moon Story yang langsung mampu menembus pasar musik dan menjadi idola baru. Disusul dengan lagu Silk Road yang mampu mencengangkan para penggemar internasional.
Karir solo Kitaro terus melesat, tahun 1986 dia menandatangani kontrak distribusi di seluruh dunia dengan Geffen Records dan pada 1987 sukses bekerja sama dengan banyak pemusik dunia, seperti Micky Hart (Grateful Dead) dan Jon Anderson (Yes). Penjualan album rekamannya melejit hingga 10 juta kopi di seluruh dunia dan masuk dua kali menjadi nominator Grammy Award dan catatan lain menunjukkan Heaven & Earth karyanya menjadi ost film yang berjudul sama, Heaven & Earth, disusul dengan kesuksesan albumnya yang bertitle Thinking of You yang menyabet penghargaan Grammy Award 2001.
Rasanya Kitaro yang sekarang adalah musisi yang bukan lagi milik publik tanah kelahirannya, Jepang, namun Kitaro telah menjadi milik dunia dengan banyak lagu instrumental.
Hal yang lain, mengingat banyaknya musisi besar asing yang telah tampil di Indonesia sejak akhir tahun 2010, seperti Kenny G, NE-YO, N.E.R.D, dan lain-lain, dan akan terus semakin banyak jadwal konser para musisi duni di awal tahun 2011, sebut saja yang akan tampil meramaikan kancah konser musik di Indonesia tahun ini, seperti Iron Maiden, Justin Bieber, Joe Satriani, Janet Jackson, dan Rick Price, yang akan segera menggoyang publik tanah air, Kitaro disebut sebagai salah satu musisi dunia yang sedang dalam proses negosiasi untuk dapat turut tampil di Jakarta di April mendatang. Tunggu saja berita kelanjutan rencana kedatangan.
Sementara Velvet Production telah memberikan informasi bahwa KITARO akan memeriahkan panggung musik di Indonesia dengan mengusung tajuk The Silk Road World Tour 2011, LIVE in JAKARTA yang akan diselenggarakan pada hari Kamis, 7 April 2011 bertempat di Plenary Hall – JCC, Senayan.(STH) Rencana penjualan tiket, adalah sebagai berikut :
-Rp. 500.000 (Tribune Left/Right)
-Rp. 750.000 (Tribune Front)
-Rp. 1.000.000 (Silver)
-Rp. 2.500.000 (Gold)
-Rp. 4.000.000 (Platinum)
Joe Satriani diperkirakan akan menggelar konser di Jakarta July 2011
Setelah sukses mendatangkan Iron Maiden ke Jakarta, kini giliran gitaris kawakan Joe Satriani digarap oleh Original Production. Walau tanggalnya belum bisa dipastikan, namun Satriani dikonfirmasi akan menggelar konser di Jakarta pada bulan April mendatang. Mengacu informasi dari Seputar Indonesia, konser Joe Satriani siap diselenggarakan di sebuah arena indoor di Jakarta.
Joe Satriani memang baru melepas album ke-14 nya Oktober tahun lalu, dengan judul “Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards”. Bisa jadi selain akan membawakan lagu-lagu lawasnya, ia juga sekalian promo lagu di album tersebut pada konser mendatang di Indonesia.
Untuk informasi tiket, sejauh ini belum ada press release dari penyelenggara.
Update Info Terbaru:
Joe Satriani memang baru melepas album ke-14 nya Oktober tahun lalu, dengan judul “Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards”. Bisa jadi selain akan membawakan lagu-lagu lawasnya, ia juga sekalian promo lagu di album tersebut pada konser mendatang di Indonesia.
Untuk informasi tiket, sejauh ini belum ada press release dari penyelenggara.
Update Info Terbaru:
The Guitar Gods ultimately provide certainty about her concert in Jakarta. OriginalProductions as the promoter chose Joe Satriani concert schedule July 13 next.
“Yeah, it’s true. They (management Joe Satriani) has confirmed to us about its ability(a concert in Indonesia), ”said Tommy Pratama, Original Productions boss, when interviewed in Jakarta.
“Yeah, that’s the fix, Joe Satriani will be here,” he stated.
However, Tommy has not been able to provide information about the concert later.”No, we would love to know more,” he said.
The latest information, there is a chirp of Twitter accounts that mention of Tommy Pratt,Joe Satriani concert will be enlivened by the appearance of local top 100 guitarists of Indonesia and Asia, as long as Joe held a concert tour in Asia
“Yeah, it’s true. They (management Joe Satriani) has confirmed to us about its ability(a concert in Indonesia), ”said Tommy Pratama, Original Productions boss, when interviewed in Jakarta.
“Yeah, that’s the fix, Joe Satriani will be here,” he stated.
However, Tommy has not been able to provide information about the concert later.”No, we would love to know more,” he said.
The latest information, there is a chirp of Twitter accounts that mention of Tommy Pratt,Joe Satriani concert will be enlivened by the appearance of local top 100 guitarists of Indonesia and Asia, as long as Joe held a concert tour in Asia
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